TFocus San Antonio TX.(210) 615-9638 6911 Bluegrass Run, San Antonio, TX 78240.

About Us

As you know, being bilingual does not make one an interpreter, or a translator. The task is as much an art as a science, and it requires incredible concentration, knowledge, mastery of the source and target languages, and years of practice to hone the skills required to put these together to create an experience for the target audience that is comparable, if not equal, to that of the audience native to the source language.

    COMMUNICATION (per Merriam-Webster): a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of words, symbols, signs, or behavior. “Exchange” implies that one side provides and the other receives. So, by definition, for communication to occur, the information has to be given AND it must also be received (and, if I may add, understood). If someone did not “get” the information, was communication truly accomplished?

    This brings us to the reason for our work: To facilitate communication, so that whatever is being said is also heard and understood.

    Established in 2001, Translation Focus has been a local and regional provider of translation and interpretation services primarily in central Texas, northern Mexico, although we have the ability to also provide services anywhere, from Florida to Washington State.

    Our business began as a small, mom-and-pop business, and has now grown into a well-staffed business that offers services of the highest quality in Spanish, and we have a network of interpreters in other languages as well.

    This has been an incredible journey, starting with local individual meetings and focus groups, to being chosen for simultaneous interpretation of business meetings, school meetings, as well as conventions and other events of multi-billion-dollar companies, non-profits, and government agencies. (By the way, we are a certified Small and Minority-Owned Business, if that’s important to you.)

    Translation Focus brings several competitive advantages:

  • We bring well-educated interpreters with experience in multiple backgrounds, from engineering to business, to education and military, restaurant and hospitality, and many others.
  • We are still a locally owned business that must provide outstanding value when it comes to uncompromising quality of work and competitive pricing, as well as flexibility of scheduling.
  • We own most of our own equipment, transmitters and receivers with microphones and earpieces, which are available for rental and this helps us keep our costs in check.